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 caa logo  Guidance for temporary and trial airspace change proposals

Following the publication of the revised CAP 1616 airspace change process, the UK Civil Aviation Authority has today published the revised requirements and guidance for temporary and trial airspace change proposals, CAP 1616g.

The requirements and guidance for temporary and trial airspace change proposals have not materially changed but are now all contained within one document with minimal reference required to other CAP 1616 documents. This has made the information more user-friendly, with improved access, clarity, and ability to navigate. As a result, it will now be simpler for change sponsors and stakeholders to better understand what they need to do in the process.

CAP 1616g can be found on the UK Civil Aviation Authority website and will come into force on 18 March 2024. All revised CAP 1616 documents and a statement on transition arrangements can be found on our website.

Any temporary or trial airspace change proposals commenced on or after that date will be assessed against the requirements of the process described in CAP 1616g. All temporary or trial airspace change proposals where an assessment meeting has taken place, and a timeline has been agreed with the CAA, before 18 March 2024 will be assessed against the requirements of the process as described in CAP 1616 version 4.